Zmiany w zatrudnianiu cudzoziemców od 1 stycznia 2025
As of January 1, 2025, new regulations on the employment of foreigners will come into force in Poland. The Act introduces the obligation to employ on the basis of an employment contract (except for seasonal work), full electronicization of procedures, and stricter sanctions for illegal employment. The changes are intended to increase the protection of foreign workers, simplify formalities, and improve conditions on the labor market.

In 2025, significant changes to labor law were introduced in Poland, which have a significant impact on employers and employees. Below are the key ones:

  1. Increase in minimum wage

From 1 January 2025, the minimum wage for full-time work has increased to PLN 4,666 gross, which translates into an hourly rate of PLN 30.50. This increase also affects other benefits dependent on the minimum wage, such as night work allowances, downtime pay and sickness benefit.

  1. New regulations on collective labor agreements

The Act on Collective Labor Agreements and Collective Agreements has been in force since January 1, 2025, and aims to streamline negotiations between trade unions and employers. The new provisions define, among other things, the scope of the content of labor agreements, registration procedures, and the possibility of using mediation in the event of disputes.

  • Collective bargaining agreements are to include detailed provisions on:
    • Salaries, bonuses, allowances and other employee benefits.
    • Working time, including flexible solutions tailored to the specifics of the industry.
    • Principles for resolving labor disputes.
    • Possibilities of introducing additional benefits, such as pension plans or group insurance.

Each collective agreement must be registered with the appropriate body (e.g. labor inspectorate or ministry). Without registration, the agreement has no legal effect.

The registration process has been simplified by the ability to submit applications and documents electronically.

Maximum deadlines for negotiations have been set to prevent prolonged disputes.

The new rules allow collective agreements to be extended to companies not yet covered by such regulations, if the relevant supervisory body agrees. This is intended to ensure greater equality between employees of different companies in the same industry.

  1. Changes in the employment of foreigners

The changes in the regulations on the employment of foreigners planned for 2025 aim to simplify legalization processes and increase employee protection. An obligation to conclude employment contracts with foreigners has been introduced, limiting the use of civil law contracts, with the exception of seasonal work. Additionally, more severe financial penalties have been provided for the illegal employment of foreigners. The maximum penalty for employers can be up to PLN 60,000 for each illegally employed foreigner.

  • Foreigners employed under an employment contract have the right to:
    • Equal pay for work in the same positions as their Polish counterparts.
    • Access to free training courses organized by employment offices.
    • A faster process for obtaining unemployment benefits if you meet certain criteria.

These changes are a response to the growing demand for foreign workers and the need to better protect their rights in Poland. Both employers and foreigners should familiarize themselves with the new regulations to avoid the risk of violating the law.

  1. Christmas Eve is a day off from work

From 1 February 2025, Christmas Eve, which falls on 24 December, has been established as a public holiday. This change affects the amount of working time in 2025, which is 1992 hours.

  1. Supplementary maternity leave

From 19 March 2025, additional maternity leave was introduced for parents of premature children and those requiring longer hospitalization after birth. The length of this leave is from 8 to 15 weeks, depending on the child’s health situation.

Both the mother and the father of the child are entitled to supplementary maternity leave, provided that they are covered by sickness insurance. The leave can be used immediately after the end of the basic maternity or parental leave. In the event of an early end to hospitalization, the unused part of the leave is lost. The leave can be used at once or divided into parts (as agreed with the employer). For the period of supplementary maternity leave, the following are entitled: maternity benefit in the amount of 100% of the benefit calculation basis for the entire leave period, if parental leave has not been used previously on preferential terms.

  1. Additional shopping Sunday in December

From 1 February 2025, an additional shopping Sunday in December has been introduced, which means that there will be three shopping Sundays in that month preceding Christmas Eve. However, an employee will be able to work on a maximum of two of these Sundays.

The above changes are intended to adapt Polish labor law to current market needs and increase employee protection. Both employers and employees should familiarize themselves with the new regulations in order to adapt to the applicable regulations.

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